OFRA Discount code, I almost missed it!


Hi, The Best Version Of You!

Today, I'm gonna write this article up in my mother tongue, Bahasa, since it's easier and feels more natural. Doesn't it seem new and exciting? Wkwkw! (scroll down for english version)

Jadi beberapa hari lalu tepatnya tanggal 29 Desember 2015, aku mesen deodorant sama liquid lipstick gitu di salah satu olshop. Ngga tau kenapa, mungkin karena gabut, ngga ada plan pergi ke tempat jauh yang perlu prepare macem-macem pada liburan sekarang, jadi iseng deh liatin olshop-olshop gitu. Emang niatnya sih mau cari deodorant yang dari dulu ngehits dipakai sama youtube beauty gurus. Namanya crystal, liat review orang-orang sih katanya lebih aman dan awet untuk dipakai. Ya udah aku beli deh pas nemuin olshop yang sreg dan based in Jakarta (karena yang lainnya kebanyakan dari Surabaya, lumayan kan ongkirnya wkwkwk), terus karena pasti yang dijual di olshop itu utamanya bukan jualan deodorant, melainkan makeup terutama lipstick, jadi banyak kan tuh gambar warna-warni yang menggoda banget untuk diliat. Akhirnya aku nemu merk yang kayaknya bagus dan cocok sama kantongku, yaitu Ofra. Nah pas liatin swatches, aku kepengennya beli warna Miami Fever, tapi karena di olshop itu ga ada, dan emang ternyata shade itu tuh laku banget dan gampang-gampang susah dapetinnya akhirnya aku beli aja yang Santa Ana, yang menurutku bagus juga, untuk harganya di olshop itu dijual IDR 195K.

Dan besoknya pas aku lagi buka instagram, tiba-tiba aku ngeliat postingan tentang lipstick OFRA lagi diskon di @beautyhaulindo, harganya cuma IDR 160K, ya karena aku orangnya bukan yang suka pake makeup, lebih tepatnya ngga punya apa-apa, aku jadi tertarik deh buat beli lumayan buat memulai koleksi, hiks seandainya liat postingannya kemarin :(. Postingan itu tuh sebenernya udah lama dari November dan aku baru tau akhir Desember. Sempet takut kelewatan sih, eh ternyata pas tanya ke adminnya di LINE (id: @beautyhaulindo), dia bilang masih bisa. Alhamdulillah rezeki anak soleh! Karena lagi diskon, aku beli 2 (dengan menahan diri banget untuk ngga habisin duit buat yang bukan prioritas utama). Dan bahagianya lagi, warna yang dijual cukup lengkap :'), aku beli yang Miami Fever dan Mocha. Nah buat kamu yang pengen dan penasaran sama diskonnya, mending langsung tanya adminnya, fast response kok.

Nah ketika semua barang sampai, aku langsung coba swatch deh warnanya. Menurutku, formula Ofra cukup pigmented dan ngga bikin kering, beda sama NYX dan Colorpop. Sebenernya aku ngga punya Colorpop, tapi pernah coba punya teman wkwk. Dari warna yang aku beli, aku paling suka "Mocha". Kedua warna lain sebenernya bagus, cuma belum pede kalau dipakai buat sehari-hari wkwk.

Buat crystal deodorantnya aku juga suka banget, awet banget ngga habis-habis (sudah 4 bulan, bentuk dan besarnya masih sama). Aku rekomendasiin banget kalian, buat pakai ini. Kayaknya aku udah ngga akan lagi pakai deodorant yang di jual di drugstore yang ada wangi-wanginya itu deh, takut zat kimia berbahaya. Btw post ini adalah tulisan pertama aku tentang review produk, jadi maaf-maaf aja ya kalau ada yang kurang. Kalau kamu punya saran atau komentar, jangan ragu-ragu untuk tulis di bawah ya.
Bye, X

Updated: I think I better translate the text above to English, so everyone can understand what they're reading :P

Just a few days ago, it's exactly Dec 29, I bought a deodorant and a liquid lipstick from an online store. Beforehand, I browsed through several online stores just for fun well maybe because I've been having way too much free time and didn't have any big holiday plans. My initial intention was to buy a deodorant that hundreds of beauty gurus are using and has been being popular. You can guess, it's crystal deodorant stick, according to people's reviews this deodorant is safe to use and could last up to a year of daily use. So after finding the ideal online store that based in Jakarta (most of them are located in Surabaya, consider how much delivery fee costs -.-), I purchased the deodorant. Oh as you may know, the store doesn't specialised in deodorants but cosmetics especially lipsticks, so by that, it means there are lots of colourful pictures tempting to see. And I think, I found one of those brands that fits my budget, it's Ofra. After looking at lip swatches, I made up my mind to buy "Miami Fever Ofra long lasting liquid lipstick", a gorgeous&lip stunning shade, but poor me the shade is no longer available on the website, because based on what I read, while it's available as once it's sold out. In the end, I decided to purchase Santa Ana instead, anyway it's also a beautiful shade, it sold for IDR 195K.

The next day, when I were opening instagram, I unintentionally saw another photo of Ofra lipsticks by @beautyhaulindo, but this time with discount, it's only IDR 160K OMG! Well I am not the kind of girl who wears makeup, so that I don't have tons of makeup, and this time I decided to buy other colors to start my lipstick collection wkwk. If only I knew the discount earlier :( The photo actually was uploaded in November, but too bad I just found it last December. At first I thought that the discount was not valid anymore, but after asking the admin staff (line id: @beautyhaulindo), she said that it's still on. Thank goodness! I purchased 2 lipsticks from this store, those're Miami Fever and Mocha. Both are stunning shades.

When they all arrived, I tried swatching them on my hand right away. The formula works well, it is moist enough along with the best-pigmented color. Compare to NYX and Colorpop, both instantly made my lips look chapped. From all of the Ofra lipstick shades I had, I like "Mocha" the most. The other shades are also beautiful, but I still have no confidence to wear them on casual days wkwk.

And about crystal deodorant, I really like it, It's extremely long lasting, probably it will last a lifetime wkwk (I've been using it for 4 months, but its shape&size are still the same like the first time I got hands on). I really recommend replacing your deodorant from the conventional chemical one to this. I think I'll never use the scented one anymore, because I am afraid of the harmful ingredient in it. Btw this post is my first product review, so sorry if it's not thorough. If you have anything to say, don't hesitate to write it out in the comment box.
Bye, X

Here are the swatches

"We never noticed the beauty, because we're too busy trying to create it"

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